Friday 9:00 A.M. - 11:00 A.M.
Using Variegated Yarn Without Tears
Workshop Fee Per Student:
Early Bird $55 / Full Price $65
Total length of time: 2 hours
Instructor's Name: Mary Jo Harris
Instructor's Business: Harris Caning and Knitting
Description: Do you ever wonder how a skein of yarn will ‘knit up’ or what it will look like once you’ve made it into something? Have you ever obtained a skein of variegated yarn that you felt was just GORGEOUS and that you couldn’t wait to make something with it – but then didn’t like the result? Or you got the yarn home but then wasn’t sure what to do with it? This workshop is designed to remedy those situations. We'll discuss:
What is Variegated Yarn
What is Color Pooling - and how to Minimize it
What Knitting Techniques and Projects can make variegated yarn look good
Can start a swatch, scarf, or item of your choice
Items Included: Handouts and samples for viewing in workshop.
Student Provides:
Variegated yarn - 1 or more colorways – whatever weight you’re comfortable using
Circular needles in a size appropriate for your yarn
Paper for taking notes
Pen or Pencil
Stitch markers appropriate for your needles
If you have a variegated yarn that you have questions about, bring it to workshop. AND, if you have a pattern that you want to use with that yarn, bring it along with the needles called for in the pattern. If you don’t have a pattern in mind, just bring needles that you feel will work with the yarn.
Prerequisites: No prerequisites, but students will benefit from some knowledge of knitting, weaving, or embroidery.
Minimum Age of Participants: 16
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